
Paper napkins or cloth napkins?

While it is true that both paper and cloth napkins have multiple advantages, at The Brand Company we are very clear that paper napkins are the most comfortable, practical, and easily customizable option for all types of events and celebrations. 

Currently and thanks to the great innovations in the market, you can find a wide variety of paper napkins available to companies: from the most traditional to those known as Airlaid napkins that, despite being made of paper, have a texture and softness. very similar to those of the fabric.


Advantages of using conventional paper napkins 


There are multiple reasons why choosing paper napkins over cloth for events is a great idea, let's see why!

  • Convenience : Paper napkins are more practical , since they can be discarded after use without the need to wash or iron.  
  • Hygiene : Paper napkins are more hygienic , as they are single-use and not reused, which helps prevent the spread of germs and bacteria . 
  • Cost : Paper napkins are cheaper than cloth napkins, so they are the most economical option for holding events of all kinds. 
  • Variety : Paper napkins have a wide variety of designs and colors, making them a perfect option to make each event the most special. 

In addition, at The Brand Company you can customize your paper napkins to give brands greater visibility at your events. Remember that the small details are what make the difference and your customers know it.  


Airlaid Napkins : New Substitute for Cloth Napkins? 

Indeed, the conventional cloth napkin has had a tough competitor. Airlaid napkins are a quality option, thanks to their soft texture and great absorption power comparable to that of cloth napkins. In addition, they are made of a very resistant material.

Airlaid napkins  

Airlaid napkins have characteristics that are very similar to those of conventional paper, but stand out for their texture and softness, adding other benefits such as: 



Surely you are thinking that cotton napkins can be reused and that therefore you will end up amortizing them, however, in addition to their initial cost, we must add other types of costs related to their maintenance: cleaning, ironing, replacement due to continued use, etc On the contrary, Airlaid napkins have a higher value for money and do not require additional costs.  



As with paper napkins, after using the Airlaids we will only have to discard them without worrying about anything else and with the peace of mind of knowing that since they are made of paper they can be recycled.



One of the great advantages of these napkins is that they are very similar to cloth, but at a much lower price and an unbeatable texture.


Respectful towards the environment 

The pollution of the planet is increasing and it is everyone's responsibility to take care of the environment. Remember to also recycle your paper napkins. Do you want to know how paper napkins are recycled? 

Dirty napkins must be deposited in the brown container for organic waste and, if there is none, in the gray container for other remains.  


¿Dónde Reciclar las Servilletas de Papel?

El reciclaje de servilletas de papel es un paso crucial hacia la sostenibilidad. Sin embargo, no todas las instalaciones de reciclaje aceptan estos productos debido a la posible contaminación con alimentos y otros residuos. Aquí hay algunos puntos clave a tener en cuenta:

  1. Separación de Residuos: Antes de reciclar las servilletas de papel, es fundamental separarlas de otros residuos, especialmente de aquellos contaminados con aceites, grasas o restos de comida.

  2. Instalaciones de Compostaje: Algunas comunidades cuentan con instalaciones de compostaje que aceptan servilletas de papel. Estos lugares utilizan procesos específicos para descomponer los materiales orgánicos, convirtiéndolos en compost útil para la tierra.

  3. Contenedores de Reciclaje de Papel: En áreas donde se recoge papel y cartón para su reciclaje, las servilletas de papel pueden depositarse en los contenedores destinados a estos materiales. Es esencial asegurarse de que estén relativamente limpias y libres de contaminantes.

  4. Normativas Locales: Las regulaciones y normativas locales pueden variar, por lo que es aconsejable verificar las políticas de reciclaje de tu comunidad para comprender dónde y cómo deshacerte adecuadamente de las servilletas de papel.

Importancia del Reciclaje de Servilletas de Papel

  1. Reducción de Residuos: Al reciclar las servilletas de papel, se evita que estos productos terminen en vertederos, contribuyendo a la reducción de residuos sólidos y a la conservación de espacio en los vertederos.

  2. Ahorro de Recursos: El reciclaje de papel ayuda a conservar los recursos forestales al reducir la necesidad de obtener pulpa de madera virgen. Esto contribuye a la preservación de los bosques y la biodiversidad.

  3. Energía y Agua: La fabricación de papel reciclado consume menos energía y agua en comparación con la producción de papel a partir de pulpa virgen, lo que hace que el reciclaje sea una opción más sostenible desde el punto de vista ambiental.

Reciclar servilletas de papel es una acción pequeña pero significativa que puede marcar la diferencia en la sostenibilidad general. Al adoptar prácticas de reciclaje responsables, contribuimos a la preservación del medio ambiente y al fomento de un futuro más sostenible para las generaciones venideras.


The Brand Company: Best Personalized Paper Napkins 

At The Brand Company you can find from conventional customizable paper napkins to customizable Airlaid napkins from only 100 units 

We have multiple models of paper napkins with different customization options:   TBC610  20x20cm,   TBC630  33x33cm , TBC670  40x40cm, TBC680 40x20cm, Choose yours!

You can choose from a multitude of colors and create your design to your liking !

We tell you how to get the best personalized cardboard popcorn cup

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